Thursday, July 6, 2017

Ship of Screams part 2

Guests decent into the barnacle encrusted engine room, the motors and  gears starts to come alive as transparent workmen warn guests to be careful from suffering the same fate as they did.

Inside the kitchen comes to life where the stove lights up as a great big cooking pot is stirred by invisible hands, pots and pans clang from the ceiling above.

In the crew's quarters, a group of skeletons can be seen playing a game of poker that seems to be going on for ages. 

The raft windings its way through the storage area as it doges falling crates. 

Guests then find themselves in an infernal boiler room, where the work men open the furnace as hot air blasts through them as the raft starts spinning out of control.

The rafts starts to joins other rafts as it spins through a vortex of water and lost souls that seem to be reaching for a light at the end of the portal. With a blinding flash of light, the room goes completely dark. Here the rafts unload to the docks where guests depart from their voyage.  

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