Monday, June 23, 2014

Journey to the Center of the Earth at Neo Disneyland

Within the bowels of Mt. Prometheus in Discovery Island, is the star attraction of Neo Disneyland, Journey to the Center of the Earth. 
Visitors enter the queue from caverns within the volcano. 
While in line guests are guided past smoking fissures of lava, intricate reproductions of Victorian scientific labs and eventually to a bank of elevators designed to bring visitors even deeper in to the planets center.
 The walls are a mix of hardened magma and porous volcanic rock. Water drips from make shift duct work and electrical lines run through out the space, connecting the caged lights which illuminate your way. Some lava still glows a faint red, oozing down the rocky walls. 

A drilling machine can still be seen poking through a section of the caves ceiling allowing a hint of daylight to filter through. Another detailed diagram shows your position at the Earth's surface and your eventual goal at the base camp hundreds of feet below you. The scope of the Victorian age technology seen through out the attraction is typical of a lush movie set. It seems that the crew members are on tea break.

Along the way you pass by several beautiful pieces of artwork, Victorian age sketches of the various explored areas of the caverns. It is here that you get a glimpse of things to come, etchings of crystal mines, looming mushrooms as tall as trees and unearthly creatures. 
After winding through the queue, down a few flights of stairs and into an elevator, we reach the boarding station. 
This area is darker, more foreboding and physically hotter than on the surface, an amazing continuation of the queue. The electrical lines can still be seen strung from the ceiling - follow them and you will see them terminate into a giant generator, sparking and whirling as it powers the place. Fog pours from an opening at the far end of the queue as you continue, descending on ramps. Past some more machinery and then over rocky riverbeds you finally get a glimpse of the load area and the vehicles. 

Each car which will carry you on your adventure, seats six passengers in three rows of two. On the front is a large earth moving shovel, you'll also see that the wheels are guarded by steel plates and there is a safety cage surrounding the occupants. 
We start off cruising past the crystal caverns we had seen in the sketches. Glowing pods of giant crystal rods surround us. luminescent spires of pulsating color and light, the crystals are just the first of many exciting things to come. 
We now enter the mushroom forest. Here we pass giant mushrooms ranging in size from a few feet to 15 feet or so in height. In and among them are fantastical creatures of all sorts. Jumping spider-like bugs, bioluminescent butterflies, goblinoid little people,  prehistorical looking reptiles and birds, and iridescent living plants all make this their home.

Here, to the right we see an opening overlooking an underground sea. Silverly fishes can be seen swimming beneath the surface of the waters. Suddenly, a large sea serpent like creature emerges out of nowhere and bumps into our vehicle      

Out of control we bounce forward past a flowing river of lava. On our left is a huge ball of fire, and we can feel the heat. To the right side is a branch filled with giant egg-like sacks. The car turns to the right and we come upon a huge subterranean creature that calls the Center of the Earth its home. 20 feet or so tall he roars, rears back and lunges forward at us, molten rock bubbling around him. 
The cars take off like a bat out of hell.

We go flying up, twisting and turning along the way in near blackness. Light can be seen up ahead... there's a smoke filled opening and BOOM! We get blasted out of what seems like the top of the volcano.
 Suddenly the cars plunge back down and into total darkness. 

Finally we emerge at the unload station, back on safe ground. Again this area is just as fully themed as those before it. After disembarking from the vehicles, we descend a spiraling staircase which twists around a huge set of pipes until we exit the attraction back into the surface world.

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