Monday, March 18, 2019

Scary Tales: Frozen in Time

Synopsis: The Snow Queen has cornered The Land of the Faeries with her army of frost giants and trolls, and brought a curse of eternal winter to the land. The curse also infected the pure of heart turning them into villains as well. 

Upon entering the maze, we are greeted by strong freezing winds and falling snow flakes to give us the suggestion that we outside in a mountainous region with Snow Queen's castle in distance. We hear the voice of The Snow Queen. "I call upon the North Wind to lay waste on the Land of the Faeries. My army of frost giants and trolls shall ravage the lands. The pure of heart shall become cold as ice, Winter shall reign forever."

We then navigate our way through a mirror maze in cavern. The sounds of breaking glass will trigger a scare actor as troll pop out a boo hole. 

We enter an underground cavern with glowing stalactites and gemstones. At the end is the sarcophagus of Snow White, her frost bitten corpse will emerge from her tomb to scare the guests. We are then ambushed by demented dwarves that brandish pix axes and shovels. 

Emerging from the dwarf mines and into a snow covered forest. A werewolf will emerge from behind the trees as it attacks guests, but it retreats by the sound of a gunshot by Red Ridding Hood in a fur coat and hunting musket. 

We come upon a clearing in the forest of a hut supported by chicken legs and surrounded by a fence with human skulls. It is the house of The Baba Yaga, the witch from Slavic folklore. The hag emerges from a small hut with cackle. 

We find ourselves inside a cottage filled with wooden figurines and marinates, on the workshop table is Pinocchio. He is seen flaying person, using his skin make himself look more human. A life size puppet comes to life from a conner and thrusts itself at us.  

We now find ourselves in anther forest, only with evergreen trees all decked out in Christmas ornaments and the sent of pine trees. A wounded solider cries out for help as he emerges from behind a Christmas tree. We are then ambushed by humanoid rats in military attire. 

We come a across a stone bride that seems to have been broken in half. Three heads of goats impaled on wooden stakes with a cauldron next to it. A troll emerges an alcove as he leads out a roar and brandishes his club. 

Preceding on, we enter an underwater grotto where lights coming from the ceiling suggests that we are underwater. Strewn around are the frozen corpses of King Arthur and his Knights, some of them will come to a scare the guests. The Lady of the Lake, now a vindictive spirit, emerges from a boo hole and screeches at the guests. 

After emerging from the lake, we are now in a castle courtyard with marble statues and overgrown rose bushes, despite bringing in the middle of winter. A camouflaged scare-actor posing as a vine of roses will frighten guests as well a statue that will come to life. But the main scare will be The Beast emerges from behind an alcove with a roar. 

We finally encounter The Snow Queen in her throne as she taunts us below, while we are ambushed by the trolls and frost giants. 

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