Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Trick r Treat

Facade: The front yard of Emma all decorated with Halloween paraphernalia with sheet ghost scarecrows, orange lights, jack-o-lanterns, and severed hanging body parts. The corpse of Emma is strung up to a post, like scarecrow, with a lollypop in her mouth. 

They will walk through the front porch of Principal Willkins with a trail of blood on the steps. Billy Willikins will jump out from behind porch with a mask and scare the guests. Inside Principal Steven Willkins's house, the severed head of Charlie is place on a table filled with razor blades and cyanide for kids who haven't checked their candy. Principal Willkins will stab at the head with a knife, he will also attack guests. Guests will exit through the backyard, where a victim in a body bag emerges from a shallow grave. 

Outside guests will come across the remains of a school bus submerged in a lake from a rock quarry. Voices of children can be heard with in the fog as jack-o-lanterns flickr in the darkness as the lights blow out from a gust of wind. Zombie children in vintage Halloween masks and costumes, as well as chains, will emerge from the fog. Sam will make his first cameo in the house.

Guests will then enter a forest with Jack-o-lanterns lining the forest pathway, as the howl of wolves can be heard through the night sky. A young woman in a Red Ridding Hood outfit will emerge from the bushes as she pleads for help, a man in a dark clock and mask with vampire fangs emerges from the darkness and drags his victim away.
In a forest clearing lit by bonfires, women in skimpy halloween costumes dance seductively in the middle of their werewolf transformations with sharpened fangs, talons, and wolf like eyes. They will either snarl or swipe their claws at the guests, a fully formed werewolf will emerge an underbrush and attack guests. Sam can be seen sitting on a log. 

Guests will then find themselves in the front yard of Mr Kreeg all decorated with Jack-o-lanterns. Old man Kreeg isn't too happy with both the decorations and the trespassers in his house as he brandishes a baseball bat. 

Inside Mr Kreeg's house, words of Trick or Treat, give me something good to eat are scribed all over the wall. Sam will raise his lollipop made weapon in an attempt to strike, but Mr Kreeg will fire a shoot gun at him. The finale scare will Sam as he is unmasked to revile a pumpkin faced demon. 

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