Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Woman in Black

Facade: Eel Marsh House, a decerpit Victorian manor house with overgrown vegitation. A shadowy figure can be seen on one of the second floor windows. 

Foyer: Inside the entire house is is condemned and abaononed, the furnitures are covered in sheets and the portraits are faded with age. 

Drawing Room: The Drawing Room dose seem inviting, even if it's all forgten with dust covered funitures. Outside, we can see it's storming in a large window, the flashes of lighting revel a figure of a woman all dressed in black standing outside. The entire room is consumed in darkness for a few seconds, and will return yet the ghostly woman has vanished only to appear in front of gustes from a hidden door. 

Gallery: Photographs and portraits of children adorn both sides of the walls. Most of them will have their eyes of their entire face scrached out, while some may show some evidence of a shadowy figure in the barkground. Passing through a large ornate mirror, the face of a woman, who is heavily veiled, can be seen within the reflection. Arthur Kipps will make his apperance holding a small hatchet.

Nursery: The nursery is filled with old fashoined toys and dolls that will spring to life. The left side of the wall is inscribed You could have saved him writen in blood, as a rocking chair moves by itself. The large canopy bed seems to empty, until an apparition of a young child emerges from the sheets and screams at us.

Hallway: We then enter a candlelit hallway with doors on both sides. At the far end of the hall is The Woman in Black standing from afar, she vanshies and reapears in front of guests.

  Attic: The Attic is filled with long forgten objects, crates and brick and brack. Jennet Humpfrey reenacting her death by hanging herself in the attic raffters, but the main scares are the spirits of young children that will pop out of dark space.

Causeway: Oustise of the house, the enitre are is covered in fog, with only a row of lanterns to guide guests. A small cross stands on a patch of mud or is quick sand as the ruined remains of a crage emerges. Disorinting voices can be heard throughout the void, such as a woman's shriek, a child's cry for help and the neighing of horses.

Chapel: Inside the village church we see that a funeral has taken place. The mourners are mostly mannequin dumies, while others are scareactors that lung out from their seats twoards us. The Woman in Black will pop out from a wooden coffin.  

Cemetery: Outside in a small cemetery Elizabeth, Samuel Daily's wife is under a trance as she craves a symbol on a monument, a satue will come to life, similar to one in Winter's Night. In the distance, we can see the figure of the Woman in Black.

Train Stagtion/Finale: In an old train station the whistle of train could be heard, as we the face of the children and the Woman in Black progected on the windows of a passing train. The Woman in Black will emerge from a hidden door to give us one finale scare.

Scare Actors:
The Woman in Black/Jennet Humphery
Arthur Kipps
Elizabeth Daily

Soundtrack: The Woman in Black OST; Tea for Three pluss One, Voices in the Mist and Arthur's Theme.

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