Monday, May 12, 2014

Ideas and thoughts for Howl o Scream

In England, Banburry is in a state of paranoia in a 17th century witch hunt. The scareactors will be wearing clothing from the late 17th century, carrying pitch forks and torches, the preacher, executioner and the accused while interacting with park guests to think they are witches.

In Scotland, Sawney Bean and clan of cannibals stock the misty moors, searching for fresh meat.      
One of the houses in Ireland will feature The Banshee, a spirit that haunts the ruins of Castle o Sullivan and the spirits of the family that haunt the crumbling halls that the Banshee claims.

France is converted into St Lucius's Cathedral, adored with gargoyles that come to life at nightfall. Along with demented monks, stilt walking demons, and possessed angelic statues. The house that will take place of Catacombs will be based on the classic story of Edgar Allen Poe's Murders in the Rue Mourge. In this version, an escaped lunitic called The Beast is running amouk in the streets of Paris.

The new house that will replace Bitten is The Barn, where canibalistic butchers, and scarecrows wait for new victims.

Italy will be divided into two sections. The house in Escape from Pompeii will have a mythical theme with the monsters and god of ancient Greece. A scare zone will be themed to a macabre masked ball.

In addition to some new houses that will replace Vampire Casino, Nevermore, Zombie Mortuary and The Basement, they will include an Egyptian mythology themed maze, cryptids such as Sasquatch, Mothman, Beast of Bray Road, Lizard Man, The Jersey Devil, and many more. Another new house called Cannibal Island, a dark humor haunted house where the island native are consuming tourists and missionaries through various means of disposals. The new scare will located in the entrance of the park titled The Root of All Evil. In which guests will encounter the icons and creatures of the past decade.

San Antonio 
The two houses will be given a themed. The Frightmare Forest will be given a twisted fairy tale theme, during the day kids and family will meet some the friendly creatures that inhabit this forest, But at night the stories and creatures will reveal their dark side as brave souls trek through this nightmarish wilderness. The Den of the Departed will have a wedding theme, in which the souls of the bride, groom and wedding gussets wait for a wedding that never came to be. One of the new houses will be set in a luxurious 1920's cruise ship, where the ghosts of passengers, and crew members stalk the decaying halls, rooms, and cabins of this once majestic ocean liner.        


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