Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Changes to The Disneyland Haunted Mansion Part 1

Here are some of my ideas I would do to make The Haunted Mansion better. 

The Queue 
The exterior queue would receive minor changes. Foreboding bayou cypress trees drooping with Spanish moss would be added. The queue would wind it's way through the family plot reminiscing of the haunting and foreboding graveyards of the old south. An enormous tree would serve as The Family Tree, the graves would be entangled in it's roots each baring the names of Gracey, Blueblood and Darkmoor. A series of graves show the seven wives of Bluebeard 

At the courtyard, a cast member will be dressed up a statue and interact with the guests. If anyone is lucky, one might spot the wedding ring that belonged to Constance and how she met her demise.   
An invisible ghost will now sit on the second story porch at night in a rocking chair. At night the windows will illuminate, casting ghostly silhouettes. 

The maids and butlers outfits will be redesigned in historical accurate attires between the 1890's to the Edwardian Era.   

The Foyer
1st Version
Once guest enter the foyer, the entire room is dark. Until the lights on the chandelier and scones will spark to life and start to flicker once The Ghost Host begins his monlouge. His voice can heard around the chamber, as if he talking behind you're shoulder. One can see a ghostly image appearing in both mirrors, like in Phantom Manor.

2nd Version 
The Foyer will have a marble bust with an animatronic raven perched on top. The bust is posed by The Ghost Host himself, which is either a face projection or an animatronic. 

The Portrait Chamber
The Ghost Host's narration will be altered.
"Welcome, foolish mortals. To The Haunted Mansion. I am you're host, you're Ghost Host. Please do come in, theres no turning back now. Our tour begins here in this gallery. Where you will see painting of our occupants as they once were among the living."
After guests step into the Portrait Chamber, a cast member would ask if any of them have second thoughts,especially the little ones, they will escort them to a short hallway and back to the world of the living. The sound of creaks and moans would suggest the idea that this room is actually stretching. 

"In this chamber, you can not help but sensing an omanis feeling of dread. Do you believe this room is actually stretching, or is it just a hallucination. But examine everything around you. This chamber has no windows and doors. Which offers you this chilling challenge, to find a way out." 
After The Ghost Host finishes his laugh, just before he suggests his way. The lights will all be extinguished.    
New lighting effects will be aded, as the noose that is hanging The Ghost Host's corpse will turn around and then break, causing it to plummeted down at the guests. 

The Gallery
Ghost Host: Oh, I'm sorry to frighten you prematurely. The real chill will come latter. Now look alive and let's all stay together. Here in this gallery, we have number of famous or infamous ghosts from all over who have decided to take up residents in the mansion. 
The portraits will have a new effect on them, some will follow guest with their eyes, while the painting of the ship will seem to come to life. The windows across from the portraits have been replaced by new window panes and now overlook a much more sinister environment than before; a very ominous swamp-like atmosphere similar to the blue bayou. Every now and then in a flash of lightning you can see the shadow of an entity out in the bayou, its even larger shadow briefly project onto the adjacent wall. The windows now harbor a rain-like effect as well.  

The portrait of the cat lady and Medusa will be much similar to it's original concept.

As guests pass the moving busts, their the eyes will glow and you can hear them whispering to you.

"We're watching you."   

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