Saturday, May 20, 2017


Nojor is a flue ride experience where guests take a voyage to the words of gods and monsters of Norse Mythology. 

Guests will start their journey by winding their way through a quint Scandinavian village. Standing dominant in the village is Yggdrasil, the great tree that connects all the nine realm.  Guests will then make their way through a mead hall, all adorned with weapons, torches, and hanging banners.      

They will then board their boats that shaped like viking ships with dragon heads.

The boat travels to an up hill ramp, where they travel to Alfheim, the realm of the elves.  A forest inhabited by sprites, gnomes, nymphs, and elves. 

Rhine maidens sing to the guests as the takes a sharp turn and into the Jotunheimr, a mountainous region homeof giants and trolls.
The trolls attempt to attack the guests as the boat dodges arrows and spears that are thrown by their attackers. The boat then takes a dive into another realm. Nidavellir, the underground realm of the dwarves.

The dwarves are hard at work in the forges. The heat of this realm starts to give way to a much more colder climate as the boat moves on into the realm of the frost giants.

The realm is depicted in snow and ice. A frost giant blows a blast of cold air as it passes by the boat.

The boat ascends to Niflheim, the realm of the dead, where they are ambushed by the souls of the dead.

At the the summit, guests will then finally confront with the monstrous serpent Nidavellir. This will then lead to the climatic splashdown.  

Guests may have survived from the jaws of Nidavellir, but their journey is not over yet. The boat will then ascend to the roots of Yggdrasil.
Inside the root starts to give way to becoming a rainbow of Birfost. At the summit is Valhalla, kingdom of the gods. The boat then takes a finale 100 feet plunge. Afterwords, guests will then disembark from their boats. 

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