The buggies land safely on the ground as they enter the manor's expensive family plot, a sprawling cemetery filled with tombstones, monuments, and crypts. Where ghosts, wraiths, and entities from different time periods mix and mingle with each other. Near the gates stands an elderly undertaker, as he welcomes guests to the cemetery.
Guests pass a group of Medieval minstrels playing a macabre tune as a troupe of skeletons dance to the rhythm.
Proceeding on, ghostly Victorian children can be seen playing on a makeshift teeter-totter on a headstone as they hum along to the music.
Near the children, a ghastly black dog stands on a hill as it unleashes an unearthly howls in the night sky.
A group of ghosts in Edwardian clothes socialize each other in a cup of tea.
A trio of witches can be seen string a potion in cauldron as wispy spirits rise from within the brew.
The ghost of a decapitated Roman centurion sing duet with a saxon warrior.
Guests enter underneath a the entrance of a crypt where the voice of Lord Gracey heard again.
"Ah I see you've made it to the outside, oh and please do adopt these ghostly orphans."
Standing near an alcove, three children in Victorian children's clothing appear as they wait for someone to adopt them. Passing a set of oval shaped mirrors, where three of the ghosts manifests next to the guests on the buggies.
"These spirited young brats have chosen you to be apart of your family. I hope you enjoyed your visit to Ghastly Manor, please allow me to raise the safety bar do come see us again.
Afterwords, guests will disembark from their buggies and emerge out of the mausoleum into the world of the living.